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Can't Hurt Me

Updated: Sep 24, 2021

By; David Goggins

Biography, Self Help


Can’t Hurt Me is an autobiography about a man named David Goggins. You’ve probably never heard of him before, and if you have then you know how awesome this man truly is. David Goggins is a marathon runner, retired Navy SEAL, author, public speaker, and most of all truly an inspiration to anyone who feels like they have no hold on your life.

This book was recommended to me by a friend, and I was skeptical about it at first because I’m not big on biographies. Although with each page I became more addicted to the life of David and what he’s created for himself. It made me feel...invincible. So naturally I was glued to it from start to finish.

Throughout the book, you slowly start to see the character development Goggins experiences to become the man who wrote this book. He starts off explaining that he was living his everyday life not feeling like he’s achieved his true potential. Sounds familiar right? Until one day, he just decided that he’s had enough of feeling sorry for himself for no reason other than his own. He tells you of his weaknesses and how he climbed to the top from absolutely nothing. David uses that as motivation to progress into becoming one of the most mentally and physically powerful people I have ever heard of. Even though he’s giving his life story, you start to slowly see the changes you need to make on your own to achieve the same sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This was the cheapest but most educational life lesson I could have ever paid for. As soon as I finished this book I followed him on every social media platform he had to ensure that I followed his success because that’s exactly how powerful his motivation is.

What makes this any different from the same things you hear about changing your life? David isn't writing a book to give you ideas on how you need to change. Instead he shows you personally just how possible it is to push yourself when you think it’s impossible. This is the inconspicuous self help book you didn’t even know you needed.


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