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Neon Gods

By: Katee Roberts


Warning: This novel contains sexual content


The original reason I was so drawn to this book was because I had heard it was a retelling of my favorite greek god story: Hades and Persephone. Although I will say about halfway through the book I was questioning if I was old enough (at 22) to read something so explicit. Because honestly for the most part I was completely in the dark until I started reading the book and then BAM sex. But then again I read 50 Shades of Grey and lived to tell you about it today so what's the harm in Neon Gods. I flew through this book with the infatuation Hades and Persephone had for each other making it one of the best romance novels I've read in awhile.

Overall, the story of the book was very unique and interesting. Persephone finds herself in a situation she was not prepared for, to marry Zeus, and if you're a mythology fan like me then you know he isn't the most respectable God when it comes to women. Personally I am not a fan of Zeus at all and this book will only fuel any dislike you have for him. After finding out she's going to becomes the new Hera, Persephone then finds herself on a spiral through events that land her on Hade's doorstep. Keeping refuge with the God of the Underworld might have just put Olympus in danger.

Throughout the read you also find little Easter eggs from the original Greek story of the God and Goddess embedded in Katee Roberts modern day twist. I plan on reading the second book in the Dark Olympus Series Electric Idol telling the love story between Psyche and Eros which is supposed to come out next year in 2022. This might be the new romantic seller!


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